VNO-NCW Twente

The most prosperous

Making the Netherlands the most prosperous country in the world, with Twente as the leading high-tech region. That is VNO-NCW Twente’s ambition as a business organisation. A precondition is having an excellent business and settlement climate for entrepreneurial Twente, as one of the economically best regions.

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Boogschutterstraat 1c
7324 AE Apeldoorn
+31 55 522 26 06

VNO-NCW Twente spreekt namens ondernemingen van uiteenlopende grootte en verspreid over alle sectoren, waaronder de maakindustrie. Van beursgenoteerde ondernemingen tot familiebedrijven, van midden- en kleinbedrijf tot jonge ondernemingen. Onderliggend doel is meer ruimte voor ondernemerschap, opdat Twente in Nederland en daarbuiten herkend wordt als duurzame en welvarende economie.

Global position

Twente and the rest of the Netherlands need to come out of their shell and position themselves globally. The five regional associations of VNO-NCW – including the one in Twente – ensure that entrepreneurs from all over the Netherlands are heard in their regional economies. Entrepreneurs meet each other in regional networks and are the foundation for numerous projects regarding new and sustainable entrepreneurship. This is how Twente’s voice can be heard through national and European policies.

Economically strong

Twente is one of VNO-NCW Midden’s nine regions with entrepreneurs on their board. These entrepreneurs recognise the importance of lobbying and networking and are committed to an economically strong Twente. Members of VNO-NCW Twente meet and inspire each other during monthly company visits or thematic meetings. Members can directly influence the lobby through the board and the regional manager. For an influential regional lobby, business organisations work closely with MKB-Nederland Midden, local entrepreneurs’ associations, sector organisations and other stakeholders.

Lobbying objectives

The VNO-NCW Twente board decides, together with the companies, which parts of lobbying objectives are priorities. Members of the board represent the members in relevant committees and consultation platforms. They want to have sufficient high-quality business sites and the right companies at the right locations, stimulate circular entrepreneurship and relieve companies from the burden of saving energy and generating sustainable energy.  They are also concerned with infrastructural improvements to the motorway network and the Twente canal, and improving employment opportunities is another important objective.