Earth is calling... Earth is calling... Zikke

Discovering talents and the things that motivate you at an early stage leads to a well-considered choice of study


High-quality education for everyone is a goal that everyone should be committed to. Primary school Zikke from Reutem (municipality of Tubbergen) agree with this and is now collaborating with Rabobank Enschede-Haaksbergen. They are joining forces to make a targeted contribution towards Global Goal number 4

In short

  • High-quality education is about more than just obtaining a good report card. It is essential that children and teenagers are motivated and enthusiastic for the development of talents
  • Children are given the opportunity to discover their motivations and talents at an early stage by gaining practical experiences in primary school, so they can ultimately make a well-considered and motivated choice of study

Global Goal

global goal icon

Zikke is committed to good primary education and wants to give children more than just a report or a CITO score. Children are allowed to discover their motivations and talents at an early stage by gaining practical experiences in primary school, so they can ultimately make a well-considered and motivated choice of study. Rabobank Enschede-Haaksbergen supports this by funding three schools of the Consent foundation, to introduce children to the business world. This allows these schools to undertake numerous activities, and children gain numerous experiences from them as an extension of the educational programme at school. It is a collaboration that is interesting to both the school children and then Twente business community.

Experiences for children

The schools can link Zikke’s activities to their educational programmes so children can gain practical experiences. Examples include company visits, for which they prepare in class and reflect afterwards, technology days, and numerous other activities in the field of sports, art & culture, language & communication and nature & science. Children can log their experiences in a Zikke portfolio, a lifelong timeline from primary school, to studying, and eventually on their way to a job. 


Investing in the talents of the future

This next generation can get to know many different professions and professional fields at a young age by letting them gain practical experiences in primary school. It also allows the business community to enthuse and even recruit motivated children and teenagers. 


Will you respond to “Mother Earth’s” questions?

Rabobank Enschede-Haaksbergen is eminent and involved in the region. They are committed to talent development and a strong local economy. That is why Rabobank Enschede-Haaksbergen, together with Zikke and the participating schools, is actively looking for partners that also want to be a part of this or a similar collaboration. Do you also want to contribute to high-quality education? Please contact Zikke (Bianca Weernink, coordinator, / 06-2009 84 62) or Rabobank Enschede-Haaksbergen (Nicole Gerritse, Marketing & Communication advisor, / 053-488 59 55).


Date: 6 March 2018 |

Source of tekst: Zikke |
